0161 465 6954 
Nature Neighbourhoods
Projects > Nature Neighbourhoods
Creating a people’s plan for nature for Newton Heath
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0161 465 6954
Nature Neighbourhoods is a partnership project between the National Trust, RSPB and WWF, working with Sow the Cityand 17 other community organisations across the UK and funded by the National LotteryCommunity Fund and the Co-op.
The project is a response to the calls in the People’s Plan for Nature for Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) to facilitate communication and coordination between relevant key actors to co-operate with a common purpose and vision for nature. Sow the City focussed on the delivery of this locally, through community co-design of an action plan to protect and renew nature at neighbourhood level - addressing community priorities, rather than the superimposed priorities of others. Our project is doing things differently. It is focussed on the urban setting and there will be no delivery per se. Instead, the project is about zooming out from the day-to- day, and creating the time and space to develop plans, capacity and ideas for tackling some of the biggest challenges around nature and climate in the neighbourhood.
Copyright Sow the City 2020
Sow the City is a CIC registered in England company no. 6872177
We are excited to see what the future holds and its a huge thanks to Sow the City and this project.
Kelly Robinson Founder of Easy Come Easy Grow and resident of Newton Heath.
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