0161 465 6954
In Our Nature
Creating a green city, it’s #inournature
The In Our Nature programme finds new and creative
ways to to make Manchester a greener, healthier and
more connected city.
We are working with charity Hubbub to deliver targeted
interventions across Manchester city, working in specific
neighbourhoods to deliver greening, growing and
sustainabiluit8y projects.
People living cities may have more pressing concerns
than environmental issues, but with the right ‘hook’
(saving money, health, earning), we can persuade them
to act. The programme aims to gather feedback from
Manchester residents in order to find the best ways to
encourage sustainable and pro-environmental behaviour.
To find out more about In Our Nature and to have your
say visit the online portal here.
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Boiler House
9 Wilcock Street
M16 7DA
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0161 465 6954
In collaboration with
national environmental
charity Hubbub and other
organisations, Sow the City
is the delivery partner for
the Manchester wide In Our
Nature programme.
Copyright Sow the City 2020
Sow the City is a CIC
registered in England
company no. 6872177
Contact us to find out more.